May 7, 2013


Being an only child, I never got what I considered a luxury of having a sibling. I never felt like I missed out having siblings, and I really did enjoy being an only child, it did have its advantages. However after having Cash, and him getting a little older I felt like he needed someone to have that sibling relationship with.. Thus came Palin.... The two of them fight and purposely make each other mad more than they actually play and get along. But I know when they get older they will appreciate each other. There are times when Palin is not driving Cash up the wall that Cash does adore her and he does act like the big brother when he needs to. He takes care of her  in the mornings getting her to her class at school and picking her up in the afternoons.

 Last night was a rare occasion that they actually played well together. They cooked and played in Palin's room for a good hour last night with no screaming or yelling about each other's toys. It was nice. They even spent time letting Palin be a hairstylist. Cash was a really good sport about it. 
If I could just duplicate last night everynight what a peaceful house that I would have! Cash has been really great though with us potty training Palin, he cheers her own and gets excited when she would go in the potty. Its been really cute.

* On a side note, I ordered my first blog book last night, of my blog from 2007 to 2012 postings. I am excited about it and decided to make this my scrapbook of the kids. I am going to make a blog book each year, so I am making an effort to capture our life and pictures of the kids more oftern now, so we have theses to look back on. So here' to my commitment on more blogging and documenting our life......