May 31, 2013

Last Day of Kindergarten

This morning was Cash's last day of Kindergarten. I had gotten up early and decorated the yard. I put each of his accomplishments of the year on a stick in the yard, so he could reflect on the year that he had before starting 1st Grade. It ended with a banner to run through into the house. Since I had woke him up early, he was not in the mood to run through the sign. LOL! Toby kept his eyes covered until we have him standing at the end of the driveway and he could see it all.
Listed on the signs were:
Basketball Shootout Champion
Cup Stacking Champion
Learned to Read
Met New Friends
Move to Stephenville
Promoted to 1st grade!

Then we went inside and woke Palin up and got everyone up and ready for thier last day before summer vacation starts. Cash was excited to wear his Kindergarten Graduate shirt to school today. I have to take the picture with the sign that said Last Day! Its been a whirlwind year with the move and everything!
   Here he is at the first day of Kindergarten in Conroe and the last day here in Stephenville! His class party is at noon today and then he officially gets out for summer vacation.