May 29, 2013

Kindergarten Awards Ceremony

Cash's Kindergarten awards ceremony was this morning. It was at the Bond Auditorium. It used to be a church that they have converted for the school district to use for various reasons.  Cash got the award for the newcomer and transition award. I think that it is the perfect award for Cash. In the 8 weeks that he has been here at school in Stephenville, he has adapted great. He has done very well in school and says he loves this school better than the one in Willis. Its hard to believe that he will now be a first grader after Friday. I could not get my stupid camera to take a picture till after he was walking off from getting his award. But I got some of him and his teacher Mrs.McLeroy, after the ceremony was over. They are having a silent auction on pots of flowers that each class planted. Cash's class has a sticker figure of each kid and thier name on it. Cash wants to make sure that I win it. The bidding goes on till 3pm today. He told me to make sure I brought my checkbook today.