Jul 2, 2013

Where are the cupcakes mom?

One of the things on our summer list to do was to make cupcakes. Palin has been wanting to and asking for days. So we finally decided to make them the other night, or Toby did. I ran to the store and when I got back this is what I found in my kitchen. Palin I think was a little confused about the whole process. She kept saying where are the cupcakes mom? I told her that we were making them. She had not grasped the mixture to oven to the creation of cupcakes. She just wanted to know where the cupcakes where and the sprinkles.
 She was very excited about the whole process though and had fun helping. Each kids got to make thier own pan of cupcakes and bring to me to place in the oven. Once they were in the oven it was off to bath and shower time until they were done cooking and cooling.

 Once we had clean kids in thier PJ's and they were cool we headed to the kitchen to ice the cupcakes and put sprinkles on them.