Jul 26, 2013

Rec Sports Kidz Camp

Cash finished up this week at Rec camp at Tarleton with his friend Whiteny. Today they had a luncheon for the parents to come to. I ran up to it on my lunch break and I am glad that I did. Cash got the award for best male camper! I was so excited for him. I contuine to be amazed of how well he has done since we moved. He never had missed a beat and has excelled at everything that we have put him in. He loves it here and I am so glad that the move was a good for him.

 Cash was explaining to Mandy (Whitney's mom) about the food groups that they learned about at camp. Him and Whiteny got to make the chart together. They had to be in groups and they were together.  I took of picture of their names because I thought that it was cute, where they had signed it. Cash has had a really busy summer but he has had a blast.