May 11, 2009

Mothers Day Weekend

This weekend, was hot and sunny. We did not do much except really just enjoy the weekend. Saturday afternoon, Toby, Me and Cash all took a 2 1/2 hour nap! It was nice!! Toby had to work on Mother's Day so we headed over to my parents to spend the day swimming and playing in the water. Pa Pa cooked out hot dogs for us, and Cash wanted nothing to do with us cutting his up, he wanted to eat the hot dog like a big person.
Cash had not been in the water since last summer and it took him a little while to get warmed up to it again. The first 30 mintues he was glued to me and was holding on for dear life, and would not let go. After a little while he started getting braver. He started out in just his floaties, but then I added the ring and the noodle where his head would not end up in the water, since he does not know to keep his mouth closed.
Once he had enough floatation devices, he was a happy camper and spent the next few hours kicking, and splashing. He kept saying, look mama I floating like you! ( I did not have all the floation devices when I was floating.)

he would kick and kick, and then he would say, Faster, Faster, and make bigger splashes with his feet! I think that by the end of the summer he is going to be a fish!

He liked to get thrown up high in the air, you just have to not let go, cause he is not crazy about going under water till we get down that you have to close your eyes and shut your mouth!!
This time was Cash was there, he and Pa Pa went frog hunting on the golf course that my parents house is on, by the pond to look for frogs once it got dark. Cash was real excited about it, and he even touched the frog!! It was a great weekend, of just relaxing, which was nice!!

1 comment:

  1. Plurals don't have apostrophes. (The Henson's, etc.)
