Feb 16, 2008

Saturday Night with the Funkhousers

Tonight the Funkhousers came over for dinner. Cash loves it when they come to visit and so does mom and dad. Its gives us a break from being mommy and daddy and lets Jayson and Erin take a turn at it. (they need the practice, they need to hurry up and make Cash a friend) Cash loves getting the attention from them. Tonight Erin got the honors of feeding Cash, and anyone who has fed Cash knows that is a messy ordeal. As you can tell he got pretty messy and that's why some of the pictures he is shirtless. Now that we have gotten away from using the highchair Cash thinks that he is a big person. Just look at the look on his face when he is eating. Its priceless. Eating meals still is a challenge for Cash. He is 17 months old and only has 4 teeth!! Allyson, if you are reading this, don't worry Harper will get some one day, Cash did not get his first one till he was one! I was so worried that he would never have teeth, but they are finally starting to come in, slowly but surely.

We ate dinner with them and then we all helped put together one of Cash's new toys. Its not actually new as it has been in the closet since his birthday, he is just getting big enough to really enjoy it. Its a bouncing Zebra, I know your probaley thinking just what every kids needs! But its actually quite fun. It spins and play musis when he jumps up and down on it. Its a blast. One thing is for sure, Cash will not get bored!

1 comment:

  1. Cash looks like such a "mini toby" in that first picture!
