Feb 14, 2008

From baby to little boy....

It all started when I picked Cash up this afternoon from daycare, I walked in the front door of his school and the lady at the front asked me if I was ready to let Cash move to the next room. I was a little shocked as I had not prepared myself for this yet. You see, the next room is clearly him transitioning from baby to little boy. They start sleeping on mats no more cribs, they eat at a table, no more highchairs, and they have a set routine, they have gym time, craft time and outside play time. They simply become little boys.... Am I ready for this? My mind was racing, Cash would start in that room sometime next week. As I walked down to his class to get him, I walked in the door and said HAPPY VALENTINE"S DAY Cash! For the first time ever he ran over to me and I bent down to him and he actually hugged me like a little boy, not a baby.

We got in the car and headed home, Toby would be home shortly for us to have dinner for Valentine's. As I looked in my rearview mirror on the way home, it all hit it me, Cash was not a baby any more, he was a little boy. You can see the picture of him in his carseat and see what I saw today, how he has grown.
We got home and Toby arrived, and we ate dinner as a family. Next it was bathtime. Cash was in the best mood tonight! He laughed and giggled, and climbed all over Toby. As I layed him down tonight I could not believe the little boy he has become! Its amazing how fast he has grown in the last 17 months! Tonight for the first time he climbed up on the coach by hiself! It's crazy what he can do now. As he becomes a little boy, I am saddened that I have lost my little baby, but I am excited as what they future holds with him!

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