Feb 6, 2008

Moody! Moody!

Cash is becoming his own person for sure! He is a moody little thing, yesterday we got home from work and he screamed and cried for 2 hours and refused to eat dinner, he eventually went to sleep about 8pm. Toby says he takes after me, I disagree with this fact as I do not think that I am moody.

Tonight Toby picked him up from daycare and we met some of our friends at the Pizza Shack in Willis for dinner and he was in the best mood, he was amazed watching the people make the pizzas at pizza shack!

We came home and let him play outside, it was cold tonight so we bundled him up and he had a blast. When we came in he was just talking up a storm. Of course he speaks his own language that I can not understand but he thinks that he is talking so that's all that is important.

More pics soon!

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