Aug 18, 2009

Cash Plays while we were gone

We live in Houston and its HOT! Really hot right now. A couple of weeks ago when Toby and I went to New Olreans Cash was at my parents house, and mom and dad took him to the mall for a day of entertainment. Cash loves going to the mall, but not to shop. He loves all the things that he gets to do at the mall. He gets to go to the indoor playground and run around. Its pretty cool and he always has a blast.

Another thing is the pet shop. He loves getting to go and look at all the pets in the pet store.
Of course a kid can not go to the mall with out going to the Great American Cookie company! The best high priced cookies around. I grew up on these things. They are great. Usually then he gets to go to the food court and eat at Sonic. He thinks its pretty neat that there are Sonic's inside the mall.
Last you have to take a ride with Grandma on the carasouel. He used to go and just look at it and never want to get on. But now he does and look how much fun he is having! So, now I need to tell Toby it is possible to go to the mall and NOT go shopping! (if you take Cash)!

I have lots of posts to catch up, we had another wedding this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. You need to update! You're slacking on the blog posts lately. We want more Cash :)
