Aug 12, 2009

Lacy's Wedding

This past weekend was my cousin Lacy's wedding. We drove up to Oklahoma on Thursday, and the wedding was on Friday. Cash got to wear a tux and looked so cute and grown up.

He looks like such a little man. He was really excited to get to wear a suit as he called it. He even bought new black shoes to wear with it.

Cash and my cousin's son Harry, are only 4 days apart and at the reception were assigned the task of walking around and handing out party favors to the guests. I told my cousin that I did not think that Cash would do it. But he DID!! and he loved it. He walked around the the tables and handed them out and even when he ran out he wanted more so we refilled his basket and off he went.

Little did I know that was just the beginning of him coming out of his shell. The musicwas going on the dance floor and off Cash went. He spent at least 2 hours dancing on the dance floor. He had a blast and was not shy at all. He did not want anyone dancing wiht him, he wanted to dance alone.

You should have seen it in person, I could not stop laughing, it was the funniest thing that I have seen.

After all the dancing was over we were headed back to the car to go back to our hotel and my dad fell walking to the car and broke his foot and ankle. He spent the rest of the night at the ER. The next morning was his brithday so since he could not get around much we celebrated in our hotel room. My aunt was having a cake for him later in the day. More on that later....
He will be having surgery on it on Thursday or Friday this week to fix and then will be in a cast for a few weeks! What a way to celebrate a wedding and a birthday!


  1. 1) GREAT pic of your dad and Cash.
    2) Look how much bigger Cash in than Kim's little one. CRAZY! He has Toby's genes, for sure.
    2) Bummed about your dad's fall. He has bad luck at weddings.

  2. okay, the dancing was AWESOME! But, your poor dad! He looks like he was in good spirits when you celebrated his bday in a hotel room w/ a cast on his foot though!
