Dec 4, 2013


 Sunday morning we went to church and to dinner with the Weems. After lunch was over we headed to get our tree. Since our rent house has a little living room, we chose a shorter tree this year but it still needed a little tender loving care before taking it inside to decorate.
 We hung our Christmas lights and this is the first year in 10 years that our friend Jayson wasn't able to come and hang them for us. He used to hang them every year for us. We realized how much we missed him when he was not there to help us decorate.
 The kids played outside and helped hauling off the branches that Toby cut off of the tree for us. The kids had fun helping to hang our ornaments on our tree. They were excited once it was complete. We ate dinner and everyone got ready for a Christmas movie.
 Toby had bought "Saving Santa" a couple of weeks ago for the kids to watch once we decorated and it officially became Christmas season! The kids loved getting their pillows and watching the movie before heading to bed.  We had a great family Sunday getting ready for Christmas!!!!