Dec 5, 2013

Christmas Traditions

 We started the Elf on the shelf with Cash two years ago. This year Fred the elf, brought an elf friend for Palin. They showed up on Sunday morning by having a breakfast table decorated for the kids. They were so excited when they woke up and saw the table and the elfs.
 Palin named her elf Sofia. She is into Sofia the first so it seemed like a great Elf name.
 Another thing that we are starting this year, is that I bought 25 Christmas books and wrapped them. I found them over the last 6 months as I decided that I was going to do this months ago. I bought a few here and there. The kids get to take turns each night on who picks a book from the bucket and unwraps it. We then all four sit on the couch together as a family and read them book.
So far its been a hit, and we have had fun doing it. I will keep the books and wrap them again next year and do the same, so it will always be a surprise on what book we are going to read that night.