Jun 26, 2013

Feeding the Ducks

Last night we had told the kids that after dinner we would take them to the park to play and to feed the ducks. Palin was so excited the whole way to the park, she held the bread to feed the ducks, and kept telling Toby to get to the park. Once we got there she did not want to feed the ducks, she was kinda scared of them. Cash jumped right into feeding them and they followed him around wanting food.

 There was one that was really ugly and had a red head. He was the biggest one there and kept taking everyone's food. Finally towards the end of us running out of bread Palin decided that she wanted to feed them. She enjoyed getting to feed them. We then headed over to the play ground area and let them play for awhile. Cash even ran into one of his friends from Happy Days there and was able to play with him there.

 We are looking forward to many more summer nights going to the park and playing and feeding the ducks. Our playtime was cut short because Palin had to go to the bathroom so we loaded up and went to the first stop that we found that just happen to be Dairy Queen and everyone got ice cream to cool down with. The kids were in a great mood and we had a lot of fun!