Jun 24, 2013

And we are off .. Vacation 2013.. lots of post read below for all of them....

We left for vacation last Thursday night and we had a blast! I had gone to Dollar tree and purchased several things for them to do and have on the trip since I knew we were going to be in the car and in the hotel some. They were excited to get thier baskets before we left Thursday night.

We loaded up and this is them as we were backing out of the driveway! They were so excited and could not wait to get on the road! Palin was tuned into her movie and excited to start vacation!
We got to the hotel around 10pm that night and they stayed up till almost midmight playing and running around like crazy kids! Palin would run under Cash as he layed across the beds.  By midnight we were all tucked into our beds ready to start our fun the next morning.