May 11, 2008

Mother's Day at the Zoo.

Today was my 2nd Mother's Day, and we decided that it would be a great time to take Cash to the Zoo for the first time. It was the perfect weather this morning when we got up and headed to Houston to go to the zoo. Cash had a blast. There was a petting zoo for the kids where they could go in and pet the animals, and brush their hair. The animals did not move, Cash was able to touch them and get really close to them.
The monkeys were our favorite! Cash liked getting to look at them. Here was a big poster of them when we were leaving the cages where they were kept and he ran up to the sign, to point to the them and tell them in his own CASH LANGUAGE that he speaks now all about them.

This guy was tired of having his picture taken as you can see. He seemed a lot like I do on Monday mornings. Ha! Ha!!

We could not leave the Zoo with out having some ice cream, Toby found the ice cream stand and was so excited to get some for Cash because he knows how much Cash loves to eat ice cream. After we finished at the Zoo we went to my parents to have lunch and then the 3 of us came home and enjoyed the rest of the day as a family. Then my boys ( Cash and Toby) took me to dinner to end the day.
Here was a family picture of us at the Zoo that I took myself, that's why it's not the great, but it is still a picture to remember the day!
Happy Mother's Day to everyone!!!


  1. Hi! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I used a basic editing program (it's REALLY OLD ... Microsoft PictureIt) to create my background and header. I just played around with pictures, shapes, colors, fonts, etc. Hope that helps! :)
