Nov 11, 2013


 This was our first weekend in 2 months without a football game, or at least till next weekend when Cash plays for the State playoffs. We went to breakfast on Saturday morning as a family and then Palin and I headed to a birthday party for her friend Lexi.
 Toby and Cash headed to get hair cuts and then out to the farm. Palin and I met them out there after lunch for a bit to help/watch them work on the chicken pen. We all went home for the afternoon and watch the Texas A&M football game and then Toby and Cash headed to go hunting that eveninig before dark. While the boys were doing boy things, Palin and I played dress up. She wanted to be snow white!
 That night after the boys had gotten home after successfully shooting a wild pig that Cash had to tell me all about, I gave the kids two catalogs to go through and look for ideas for Christmas. Palin had fun circling anything in Pink that she thought that she could not live without and Cash circled entire pages on somethings that he found.

 We ended Saturday night by going and renting a movie to watch with the kids. They were excited to get their pillows and blankets and get to lay on the floor and stay up late and watch a movie. They lasted about 20 minutes and both were alseep on the floor.

 Sunday we had a full day with church, and we had family pictures taken. That night while we fixed dinner, the kids sat at the bar in the kitchen and worked on their puzzles.

Cash was excited that while we were at the farm he got to climb on the ladder a little bit (not high) and help use the level to make sure the boards were straight. Palin likes just setting on the truck and watching everyone.