Nov 25, 2013

Hunting and A big girl bed

 We had a super cold weekend with tempatures not getting above 32 all weekend. We did a little shopping this weekend, went out to dinner with friends kid free, and let Toby's parents watch the kids for the evening. On Sunday we went to church and then over to friends house for lunch. When we got home I went grocery shopping and Toby stayed home with the kids. Toby and Cash decided last minute that the cold weather was perfect to go hunting in and they headed out around 430pm to go. They froze and did not see anything. When they got home Palin could not wait for Toby to take the front of her bed off. We have been telling her for weeks we would do it, we just had not. She was excited and she actually went down with out a problem and never got out of it after we told her it was bedtime. However, she rolled out of it about 5 times last night. Everytime I looked at the monitor she was not in there. I would go in her room and she was on the floor. I would pick her up and put her back in her bed. She never woke up when she rolled out. I guess that may take a little training.