Oct 31, 2013

Halloween Morning

 I stayed up late last night, setting the table for the kids for breakfast this morning when they woke up. Mom and Dad had sent cards in the mail that arrived so I kept them and set them out for the kids. They were perfect to add to their place settings so that they had them first thing this morning.
 We had white donuts and I had some spiders left over from Palin's treat bags that I made so they worked out perfect to put in their donuts. Palin dressed as a pirate this morning for day care. I was worried that she would ruin her Minnie Mouse costume before tonight's contest at the town square.
 Cash was supposed to dress up as a story book character, so he is a Knight, minus the pants that he would not wear to school. So we used windpants instead.

 They were both excited to get to school. Its amazing that Palin is in Cash's costume from when he was little, and that she looks just like he did in it! I made Palin's treat bags to take to her class while she was sleeping last night, and she was so happy to wake up and get to carry them to the car.
Hoping that they both had fun days at school and are ready for tonight!!!