Mar 17, 2013

A New Start

Well, I used to enjoy blogging, life used to allow it, every evening I found a few minutes to do it.  When we only had Cash I found the time 3 to 4 times a week to blog about him and us and our life. Then Palin came along, and work and life with two kids and somehow time started going by even faster, until now... hopefully...

Well we have moved, to Stephenville, Texas, with hopes that maybe life will be a little slower and we will have a little more time to enjoy the kids and each other. So with that Cash starts at a new school in the morning and me at a new job with FMC in HR tomorrow. I am plan to blog at least 2 times ( I would like 3 times) to post what we are doing and pics of the kids for our family and friends back in the Houston area to stay up with us. So heres to a new start... for all of us!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for blogging again! I need to get my act together, too. Excited for your new adventure.
