Sunday morning Palin and I were up early and headed back to Stephenville from Jill's house. We got home and Toby and Cash were at church. We headed to the musuem to hide the Easter Eggs for the Church Easter Egg hunt that I was in charge of. We met the boys after church and went and got lunch to take to the hunt.
We tried getting some of the girls together to take a picture. It didn't really work that well.
The older boys were ready to go hunt eggs. Since they were the oldest they had to wait till the end for them to go.
Palin and Chloe have gotten to be sweet little friends. They go to tumbling together and Chloe's dad is going to be Palin's Tball coach this year and I work with her mom too.
The kids got plenty of eggs and were ready to get home and go through them.
After we got home, we hung out for a little bit, but Palin was anxious since it was such a sunny day to go to the park. We went to the park and spent most of the time swinging. She can swing in the big people swings she just has to go slow, so she still likes getting to get in the little kids swings so you can push her fast!
While we were at the park the boys went to the other local park to play disc golf for the afternoon. After that it was home for supper and to bible hour at church that night. After Bible hour we headed to get yogurt and then home for bed. We were all tired!