Dec 11, 2013

Polar Express

Saturday morning against our better judgement we left being snowed in Stephenville and headed to Palestine to meet my parents for the Polar Express train ride. The drive to Waco was horrible what should have taken a little over an hour took almost 3 hours to get there. And then we still had to go on to Palestine. Thankgoodness once we got to Waco, it was clear and we were out of the ice and snow.
 We arrived at the Polar Express just in time and only had to wait for about 20 minutes before getting to board. I think that they boarded us early since it was so cold. The kids were so excited for their annual train ride to North Pole.

 We were the first ones to board our train. We got the seats that we wanted on the side of the train so that the kids would be able to see the North Pole once we arrived.

 On the ride up there they read the book the Polar Express and passed out hot chocolate and cookies to eat along the way.
Once we got tot the North Pole Santa and his elves boarded the train and came and visted the kids. Cash was much more excited to see Santa and have his picture taken with him this year. Palin on the other hand was not. She hid under her blanket when she heard he was on the train. Eventually we got her out but she did not want much to do with Santa this year. We spent the night in Palestine at the Holiday Inn and then started the drive back through the snow to get home.