Dec 26, 2013

Dance Recital and Happy Birthday Oma

The week before Christmas Palin had a parent viewing at her ballet class. This was not a recital but a chance for Parents to come and watch. She was a hoot. She danced to the beat of her own drum and did what she wanted. You can tell that she started with her tutu on and then by the second song changed her mind and took it off.

I was worried that she would cry with all of the parents watching, she did the opposite and was all over the room dancing and acting crazy! At least she is having fun.
Thursday before Christmas was Lois's birthday. We went to dinner and then went to the house and opened her present. Friday morning I was off work and went to Cash's class party for Christmas. He is having a blast in Mrs. Hayes first grade class. We made ornaments and ate cookies at the party.