Jul 17, 2013

July 16th - My 32nd!

 Was my 32nd Birthday... Gasp! That sounds so old. I remember thinking that people that were in their 30's were old, and now here I am. Despite the fact that I am a year older, it was a great day. I worked yesterday which was the first time in ever that I have worked on my birthday. But I had a good day. Whit's sister Molly works with me and took me to lunch to my birthday. The kids sent me flowers and balloons to work.
 When I got home from work and Toby we met his parents at Fiddlecreek Steakhouse and had dinner. We then went back to the house to have cake and it was so yummy. I was anxious to find a baker here to make the kids cakes since thier birthdays are coming up, and this cake was super sweet and yummy. So I think that I found the right one!
 They sang Happy Birthday to me and Palin was so sweet last night. She kept saying Happy Birthday Mommy and giving me hugs. She was the sweetest thing. We blew out candles or tried to. Somebody (Lois) had bought candles that relit after you blew them out. So I would blow them out again and again. Cash thought it was funny because they kept relighting themselves. He laughed so hard about it. We had never seen him laugh that hard and he could not stop! He even tried helping me blow them out.

 Palin could hardly contain herself of eating cake and opening presents.She had cake everywhere on her face, but she loves her some icing... just like her mama! She had wanted to open presents since she woke up yesterday morning and saw them on the table. She was more than ready to help me open them and was even opening them before I got to them. I got a new purse, money for pedicures, necklaces, tumbler cup,and earrings and a photo holder for my desk. It was a great night!