Jul 30, 2013


Saturday morning Cash had baseball tryouts and Palin was all decked out in her Under Armor wear and ready to go. We had try out till about 11 am and then the kids and I headed to Houston. We stopped in Conroe and met up with the kids friends. Palin and Asher got to hang out and play and so did Cheyenne and Cash. It had been about 4 months since they had seen each other. They were so excited.

 Sunday night I left the kids with my parents and I headed to the Woodlands to meet with Suzy and Julie. We went to dinner at Tommy Bahamas and then headed across the street to see Brad Paisley concert. We had a really great time and it was good to get to see the girls.

Yesterday on the way home we went and saw Dana and the kids and then grabbed lunch and headed home so Cash was back in time for baseball lessons last night. The trip was great and the kids got to see alot of thier friends while we were down there.