Apr 30, 2013

Our House!

Today we close on our house, it makes me a little sad. We moved in 2007, it was brand new and Cash was just 4 months old. He grew up in the house, and then in 2010 Palin came along. We have a lot of memories in the house with the kids and just starting our life together. But I know that we will make just as many memories in the next one.
 We are very lucky that the first people that looked at the house made an offer which was our asking price, before we even listed it with a realtor. We are thankful for that, and getting it sold quick instead of trying for months to sell it.
 We took some pictures the other day when we were there getting our last things, so that we could remember it, and so that the kids would have pictures to look at later. We did get some with all of us in them with the timer on the camera, I just dont have that camera with me to post them right now.
The barn was Tobys pride and joy! I know that he is going to miss it, because we now have ALOT of stuff in storage now that we used to have in the barn.
 But we are on to better things now. We are finally feeling settled in our new town.  We are both home by 545 each night, and able to eat dinner as a family and we have been going on walks with the dog and the kids. We are making it to church every Sunday, and its nice to not be running around like a chicken with our heads chopped off or trying to figure out who is going to pick up the kids. I used to feel like I was always late, now I am the first one at work in the mornings, its nice not to be rushed anymore, and I think the kids are enjoying it too.  We have our first baseball game tonight for Cash. He is getting to play 1st base, so more to come on that....