Apr 2, 2013

Easter Weekend

We were up at 445am on Friday and on the road by 6am to head to my parents for Easter. It was a great visit and the kids had a blast. We met my parents in the Woodlands around 1030am on Friday morning. They took the kids for the day to lunch at McDonalds of course and then it was off to Old McDonald's farm for the day. Mom said Palin loved the animals and had a blast feeding everything. They got to play on the playground and go down all the slides. Mom's sunglasses even got broke on the slide. I ran some errands and met Julie for lunch, while Toby worked on packing the last few things left at the house. That night when we returned to my parents we colored Easter Eggs. Palin enjoyed getting to paint them with paint and paintbrush and was not so interested in coloring them.

 We spent Saturday morning around my parents house before heading to Conroe. Toby and Cash spent the afternoon playing golf with Jayson. Erin and I went shopping. That night we went to dinner at Wings N More with the Funkhouser's and then headed to my parents. Palin got to hang out with my parents on Saturday and they took her to the park for most of the afternoon.

They kids were up early on Sunday. They were anixous to find eggs and see what the bunny had brought them. We made sugar cookies that morning and let the kids decorate them. It was a mess but fun. We had Easter dinner and then loaded up and headed back to Stephenville. We got home around 9pm, and were tired. Finally got the kids down around 10:15pm. What a weekend!

 The kids were up looking for eggs before the Sun was even up on Sunday morning. The silly Easer bunny had the eggs hidden all over the place, inside and outside.
This picture has grown over the years. First it started with Toby and Jayson, and then we took it a few years later with Cash in it, the night that Hunter was born before we went to the hospital with Jayson and Erin. This night we were able to take the picture with all four guys. They are in age order. It has always been one of Erin and mines favorite pics of the boys. We took this at Wings N More on Saturday night.
 Cash colored the Easter Bunny a picture to leave out with his basket. He was very proud of his artwork and left it in his basket with his eggs that he colored for the bunny to hide.

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