Jun 24, 2013

The Funkhousers Arrived ... and ended Day 2

The kids were excited by the time that the Funkhousers finally arrived around 6pm. They ended up getting to leave earlier than planned so we were able to go to dinner with them. We ate at a resturant called Bigz. It was a hamburger joint that had a huge play area for the kids. All the tables were around the play area so you could eat and let the kids play and run around.... it was KID FRIENDLY and with 4 kids with us, we needed it.

Palin loves getting to play with Baby Avery. She thinks that its her baby sometimes. Avery just laughs at Palin and thinks she is funny. Palin loves making goofy noises at her.
After dinner we went back to the pool and swam that evening with the Funkhousers and had fun till dark. Once we finally got the kids in bed, they were out in no time!
Palin did sleep in her pack in play, but insisted on laying on the floor to fall asleep each night and then we picked her up and placed her in her bed.  I would say the first full day was a success and warn them out!